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Comparative study: What is the impact of blending on microbiological detection in the food industry?

In the food industry, microbiology laboratories use advanced detection and enumeration methods. But what about sample blending?

laboratory grinder

The importance of extraction in microbiological analysis

Extraction is crucial in the analysis of food samples. Proper homogenization ensures better recovery of present microorganisms, leading to more precise and reproducible analytical results.

Comparison of two types of blenders…

Various blending technologies exist on the market. But how can we compare these solutions in terms of microbiological extraction performance?

To answer this question, we requested a rigorous comparative study from ESIAB (École Supérieure d’Ingénieurs en Agroalimentaire de Bretagne-Atlantique).

The objective: evaluate the efficiency of two technologies on the same food sample.

One of the lab blenders is based on a pendular system, while the other uses a more conventional blending process.

lab blender study

Experimental Protocol:

The study was conducted on a particularly delicate matrix: “knack” sausages, whose “slippery” skin makes homogenization difficult.

A calibrated strain of E. coli (7400 CFU) was inoculated into these sausages.

The samples were then mixed using the two different blenders.

Finally, the obtained suspensions were plated on TBX agar for a comparative analysis of bacterial concentrations.


blending method laboratory

A higher recovery rate with MIXWEL UP!

📌 The MIXWEL UP! lab blender by ABE provides more effective extraction than a conventional lab blender. In fact, the concentration obtained after blending is approximately 1.5 times higher with MIXWEL UP! (1744.8 CFU/g) compared to the conventional blender (1123.4 CFU/g).

📌 The recovery rate, a key indicator of extraction efficiency, is also significantly improved with MIXWEL UP! : 23.6% compared to only 15.2% with the conventional blender.

Optimized blending for reliable extraction

This study highlights the impact of blender selection in sample preparation. Efficient blending ensures better bacterial recovery, leading to more reliable and representative analysis.

With its innovative pendulum system, the MIXWEL UP! blender guarantees optimal extraction, ensuring better homogenization of food matrices and more precise results.

👉 Want to learn more about MIXWEL UP! or test it in your lab? Contact us now: contact@abioexpertise.com

Comparative study: What is the impact of blending on microbiological detection in the food industry?

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A.B.E. will be at MEDICA 2024, one of the leading international events for the laboratory sector. You can find us at booth H74-4 (hall 3), where we will be showcasing our microbiology automation solutions, including our latest innovations: DILUWEL UP!, MIXWEL UP!, and DOSYWEL UP!

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