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How to optimize a Media Preparation ?

Critical points in Media preparation

STERILITY : It MUST achieve a high enough temperature to STERILIZE the Media (Ex : 121°C-15min, 110°C-20 min)

FERTILITY : It MUST NOT achieve a too high temperature in order not to burn the media (to avoid destroying the sugars, peptones…) (ex: <121,5 or 122°C : Malt agar)

HOMOGENEITY : so that the whole media batch goes through the same temperature. So that the media has the same density (no random solids) for a good plate reading.

REPEATABILITY : In order to assure always the SAME media production

media prep


And what about traceability ?

With the ABE’s new technology, you can check the temperature with a Real Time Data Monitoring :


You need more information about lab automation ? Just ask for the brochure :

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A.B.E. will be at MEDICA 2024, one of the leading international events for the laboratory sector. You can find us at booth H74-4 (hall 3), where we will be showcasing our microbiology automation solutions, including our latest innovations: DILUWEL UP!, MIXWEL UP!, and DOSYWEL UP!

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