The construction
The Airwel is a light and ergonomic air sampler, with an anti-bacterial paint, build in IP65, ISO14698, ISO17025, USP797, USP116, EU GMP/GLP, 21 CFR PART 11, CE premises.
Physical specifications
It impacts a regular and calibrated airflow (100 or 200L/min) on Pétri dishes (90 mm or contact plates), to find out the presence of microorganisms in the air, and control their evolution. It can be used with Stainless Steel grids, autoclavable Polycarbonate grids, or daily use grids (sterile and double packed).
The programming
Cascade passwords allow the data management according to the GMP-GLP, with a complete access for service and managers, and a restricted access for the operator : the sampling protocol is standardized, with a limited risk of error.
Programming can be done in 3 ways :
Exclusive feature:
Have you ever sent back an air sampler for calibration, and noticed that the airflow was deviated, leading you to question the whole year’s samples because the moment it went wrong cannot be defined?
It will never happen again with the self-test induction base charger. Thanks to a bell, linked to the charger, it is possible to check the air-flow whenever you want, and send the unit for calibration if you notice a deviation.
Special gas unit :
The gas system is important to ensure that the air in contact with the product is contamination free within sterile or aseptic manufacturing facilities. The airflow from the compressed source is regulated through an autoclavable flow-meter before passing though the Airwel sampling head. This stainless steel system is compliant with ISO standard 8573-7 and ISO 14698.
Communication :
The Airwel has an build-in Bluetooth module, allowing the extraction of all the sampling data:
The Excel datasheet can be sent directly to your smartphone or tablet through a dedicated application, or to your computer with the appropriate software, for full traceability.
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